Race Guide November 2017
Date |
Running event | Venue |
Country |
km |
Details |
3 | Fackellauf | Görlitz-Zgorzelec | Germany-Poland | 4/8 | |
4 | Memoriál MUDr. Josefa Podmolíka | Otrokovice | Czechia | 21/63 | |
4 | Öjendorfer See Marathon | Hamburg | Germany | 11/22/42 | |
5 | Utrka grada Koprivnice | Koprivnica | Croatia | 3.4/5.6 | |
5 | Motolské jamky | Prague | Czechia | 5/10 | |
5 | Półmaraton Gdańsk | Gdańsk | Poland | 5/21 | |
11 | Ústecký maraton | Ústí nad Labem | Czechia | 5/21/42 | |
11 | Zimná bežecká séria | Tatranská Lomnica | Slovakia | 4/7 | |
12 | Sie + Er Lauf | Wien | Austria | 4 + 4 | 2017 |
12 | Polumaraton Ivan Starek | Zagreb | Croatia | 5/10/21 | 2017 |
12 | Novembrina Cervignanese * | Cervignano | Italy | 6/8/13/21 | |
12 | Move it Garda Arcese (*) | Riva del Garda | Italy | 10/21 | |
17 | Paderborner Martinslauf | Paderborn | Germany | 6/10 | 2017 |
18 | Oxigén Kupa | Debrecen | Hungary | 5/10 | |
19 | Leopoldilauf des LCC Wien | Wien | Austria | 7/14/21 | 2017 |
19 | Quickborn Run | Quickborn | Germany | 10/25 | 2017 |
19 | Werdauer Herbstmarathon | Werdau | Germany | 42 | 2017 |
19 | Mezza Maratona "Città di Palmanova" | Palmanova | Italy | 21 | 2017 |
19 | Verona Marathon | Verona | Italy | 10/21/42 | |
25-26 | Balaton maraton és félmaraton | Siófok | Hungary | 7/14/21/42 | |
26 | Marcia per le colline di Fagagna * | Fagagna | Italy | 4/7/12/21/30 | 2017 |
26 | Cronotraversata del Maestro | Grotta Gigante, Trieste | Italy | 1.6 | 2017 |
* non-competitive event
(*) competitive and non-competitive event
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