Sunday 29 September 2024

Sculptures in the harbour of Gdańsk, Poland (Author: Felix55kerstan / / Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication / photo modified by


The Półmaraton Gdańsk is a road running event held annually since 2014 in the Baltic Sea port of Gdańsk in Poland.

It offers the following race options:

  • 200m-500m-1km kids' races (Biegi dla dzieci)
  • 5km (Bieg na Piątkę)
  • 21.1km half marathon (Półmaraton)
  • 21.1km relay (Sztafety 4-osobowe)

The event kicks off with the children's races on Saturday afternoon. The 5k race and the half marathon take place on Sunday morning.

The route begins and ends at Poland's third-largest football stadium, Stadion Gdańsk (‘Polsat Plus Arena Gdańsk’), which is located in the northern part of the city, between Gdańsk's historic centre and the beach.

Competitors run on main roads through industrial, residential and shopping areas, passing the port and vast housing estates as well as several urban green spaces.

The course is mainly flat and fast. It has been accurately measured and certified by PZLA, the Polish Athletic Association.


Map of the venue:


11. Półmaraton Gdańsk:


  • 29 September 2024 (Sunday)

Event website:


Number of finishers:

  5km 10km 21.1km 21.1km relay
2023 295 --- 2,721 17 teams
2022 292 --- 2,135 15 teams
2021 --- --- 575 ---
2020 --- --- 614 ---
2019 507 431 3,165 ---
2018 531 388 3,377 ---


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