Maratonina di Gorizia, Italy (Copyright © 2011 Hendrik Böttger /


The Maratonina Transfrontaliera "Città di Gorizia" is a cross-border half marathon road race through two countries: Italy and Slovenia.

It features a gently-undulating and traffic-free course that begins and ends in Gorizia, a very pleasant and pretty town of about 34,000 people, located on the Italian side of the border.

Approximately half of the race is run through the towns of Šempeter and Nova Gorica in Slovenia.

In addition to the half marathon, the event offers an 8km fun run.


Map of the venue:


Number of half marathon finishers:

  • 2021: Event cancelled
  • 2020: Event cancelled
  • 2019: 354
  • 2018: 435
  • 2017: 542
  • 2016: 648
  • 2015: 667


42. Maratonina di Gorizia:


  • 18 October 2020 (Sunday) - Cancelled!

Event website:



Race report and photos:


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