6th ‘Lighthouse Run’ 2013
Podersdorf am See (Austria), Easter Monday 1 April 2013
Held annually on Easter Monday, the Leuchtturmlauf draws approximately 250 to 300 runners to the eastern shore of the Neusiedler See, Austria's largest lake, located on the border with Hungary.
The event offers a 10km, a 6.6km, and a 3.3km run. Children run 1km.
The route is a flat and scenic 3.3km loop on asphalt and gravel paths through parkland in the resort of Podersdorf am See, the most popular resort in the region.
Each lap includes an out-and-back run to the Leuchtturm (lighthouse), which stands at the end of a 200-metre-long pier.
In 2012, runners from seven countries took part in the Leuchtturmlauf. The top 10K finishers were Wolfgang Wallner (33:06) and Cornelia Köpper (38:58)
Country: Austria
Venue (Map): Podersdorf am See (Bratislava 53km, Vienna 66km, Budapest 200km, Graz 218km)
Date: 1 April 2013 (Easter Monday; public holiday in Austria)
Race distance: 10km, 6.6km, 3.3km; 1km (children 15 years and under)
Start time: 10.30 (children), 11.00 (10km, 6.6km, 3.3km)
Start and finish: at the PODO-Bar, Nordstrand, Podersdorf
Entries: online or by fax (up to 29 March 2013); payment by bank transfer; late entries on the day
Entry fees: € 13 (up to 29 March 2013), € 16 (up to 1 April 2013); no entry fees for children
Timing: ChampionChip - use you own chip or rent a chip for the day (chip rental fees apply)
Race centre: PODO-Bar; Nordstrand, Podersdorf (8.00-10.00)
You get: a bottle of wine; goodie bag and medal to all children
Prizes: (?)
Showers and changing facilities: yes
Award ceremony and prize drawing: 14.00
Number of finishers 2012: 146 (10km), 44 (6.6km), 41 (3.3km), 35 children
Event website (in German): www.leuchtturmlauf.at
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