Saturday 16 November 2019

Arad City Hall, Romania (Author: Aisano / / public domain / photo cropped by


The Marathon, Half Marathon and Road Running of Arad (Romanian: Maratonul, Semimaratonul şi Crosul Aradului) has been held annually since 2011 in Arad, an old city of about 160,000 people located in a flat region in the western corner of Romania, near the border with Hungary.

The event offers the following races:

  • 0.7km Cros (non-competitive run)
  • 7km Cros (7k race)
  • 21.1km semimaraton (half marathon)
  • 42.2km maraton (marathon)
  • 42.2km maraton ştafetă (marathon relay for teams of four runners)

Starting at the imposing Arad City Hall (pictured), the route loops around the huge citadel, passing through the city centre and green areas along the Mureș river.

The 7k is one lap, the half marathon is three laps and the marathon is six laps of this course.

The route is a bit undulating. The difference between the lowest and the highest point on the course is 17 metres


Map of the venue:


Number of finishers:

  • 2019:
    • 7km: 127
    • 21.1km: 119
    • 42.2km: 31
    • 42.2km relay: 20 teams


9. Maraton Arad:


  • 16 November 2019 (Saturday)

Event website:


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