Ciasp DoloMitica - a snowshoe race in the Dolomites in Italy (Photo by courtesy of Gianluigi Topran d’Agata, Associazione SOL OMNIBUS LUCET)


Please note:

We do not list this event in our runinternational Race Guide any more. The information contained in this article may be out of date.


Held amid the breathtakingly-beautiful mountain scenery of the Val Comelico area in the Dolomites in northern Italy, the CiaspDoloMitica is a winter sports event for runners and walkers of all abilities.

There is only one condition: You must run or walk with snowshoes (Italian: racchette da neve, ciaspole or simply ciaspe).

You can use your own snowshoes or you can rent a pair for €5.

In 2017, the event took place in the village of Padola, which sits at an elevation of about 1,200 metres in the valley.

In 2018, it will be staged in Danta di Cadore, a mountain village situated at approximately 1,400 metres above sea level.

Entrants can choose between four races, all starting at 10.30am:

  • Camminata con le ciaspole 7,5km o 10km:
    • Walk with Snowshoes. Two routes are available, 7.5km and 10km.
  • Corsa internazionale con le ciaspole 10km:
    • International Showshoe Race. This is an event for runners. It is not allowed to use hiking poles in this 10km race.
  • Corsa o camminata a coppie con le ciaspole 16km:
    • Run or Walk in Pairs with Snowshoes. This 16km race is open to teams of two runners or walkers (male, female and mixed pairs).


Map of the venue:


8. CiaspDoloMitica:


  • 28 January 2018 (Sunday)

Race information:


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