Sunday 3 March 2024

Britzer Garten, Berlin, Germany (Photo: / Author: Richardfabi / bedingungsloses Nutzungsrecht)


The Lauf im Britzer Garten is a running event held in the Britzer Garten, a 90-hectare landscaped park that was created for the 1985 Bundesgartenschau (Federal Horticultural Show) in the borough of Neukölln in Germany's capital city Berlin.

Every year, approximately 400 to 500 runners take part in the 10k race, which is the main race of the day. The route consists of three laps (1km+4.5km+4.5km) of a gently-undulating course.

Along with the 10k, the event offers 1k and 3k races for children and a 5.5k for walkers, nordic walkers and elderly runners (75+).

Free entry to the park is included in the registration fees.


Map of the venue:


33. Lauf im Britzer Garten:


  • 3 March 2024 (Sunday)

Event website (in German):


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