Saturday 26 April 2025

Postcard of Warnemünde, Germany, 1912 (Author: unknown / Source: / public domain / image modified by


The Stoltera Küstenwaldlauf takes runners along the beach promenade of Warnemünde, one of Germany's best-known and prettiest seaside resorts.

Situated on the fringes of the Baltic Sea port of Rostock, Warnemünde boasts wide sandy beaches, elegant 19th-century villas, a quaint old town and an old fishing harbour.

Two races are available, 3km and 10km long, both starting and finishing at the Sportplatz near the beach.

The 10k race begins with an out-and-back run along the Seepromenade to the Leuchtturm (lighthouse). Then, the race goes in the opposite direction for two laps of an undulating multi-terrain course through the lovely Küstenwald woods on the Stoltera cliffs, which rise up to 20 metres at the highest point.

In addition to the two races for runners, the event offers a non-competitive 7.5km walk.


Map of the venue:


42. Warnemünder Stoltera Küstenwaldlauf:


  • 26 April 2025 (Saturday)

Event website:


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