Ingolstadt (Germany), Saturday 4 May 2019
General information and map of the venue:
Race information:
- 4 May 2019 (Saturday)
- Germany
- Bayern (Bavaria)
- Ingolstadt (80km from Munich, 94km from Nuremberg)
Race distance:
- 500m/1km RunningKids (races for children 5 to 12 years old)
- 6.8km FitnessRun & Walk (without timekeeping)
- 21.1km Halbmarathon (half marathon)
- 21.1km 2er Team-Staffel (relay race for teams of two)
- 21.1km 3er Team-Staffel (relay race for teams of three)
- 21.1km Schülerstaffel (relay race for young athletes born 2001-2009)
Start time:
- 13.00-14.00: children's races
- 15.00: 6.8km
- 17.30: 21.1km
Time limit:
- 21.1km: 2 hours 45 minutes
Start area:
- 500m-1km: at the Exerzierhaus in Klenzepark
- 6.8km: on Donaulände (at the Reduit Tilly in Klenzepark, pictured above)
- 21.1km: at the Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke
Finish area:
- at the Exerzierhaus in Klenzepark
- Saturn Arena, Südliche Ringstraße 64, 85053 Ingolstadt (ca. 200 metres from the finish area):
- Friday 3 May 2019, 10.00-19.00
- on the day from 10.00 until one hour before the start
- 6.8km:
- online or by post (up to 28 April 2019)
- late entries on the day (until 14.00)
- 21.1km:
- online or by post (up to 21 April 2019)
- late entries on the day (until 16.00)
Entry fees:
- 6.8km:
- €17 (up to 28 April 2019)
- €25 (up to 4 May 2019)
- 21.1km:
- €30 (up to 24 February 2019)
- €37 (up to 21 April 2019)
- €50 (up to 4 May 2019)
You get (half marathon runners):
- voucher for the pasta party (on Friday and on the day of the race)
- fruit and drinks on the course and at the finish
- medal
- certificate (online)
- showers and changing facilities
- bag storage
- optional: technical T-shirt (€20 for online entries)
Award ceremony:
- at 21.00 in the Saturn Arena
Number of finishers 2018:
- 21.1km: 2,070
- 21.1km relay: 180 teams
Event website:
No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page! Please visit the official event website to verify the above information.