Villach (Austria), Friday 6 April 2018
General information and map of the venue:
Race information:
- 6 April 2018 (Friday)
- Austria
- Kärnten (Carinthia)
- Villach (36km from Klagenfurt, 99km from Ljubljana, 129km from Udine, 183km from Salzburg)
Start/finish area:
- FH Kärnten (Fachhochschule Kärnten), Technologiepark Villach, Europastraße 4
Start time:
- 17.00
Race distance:
- 7.2km Einzellauf (individual runners)
- 7.2km Staffellauf & Businesslauf (relay teams: 3km+1.5km+2.7km)
- online with payment by bank transfer (up to 30 March 2018, 18.00)
- late entries on the day (up to one hour before the start)
- reduced entry fees for young athletes and students
Entry fees (individual runners):
- € 25 (up to 15 March 2018)
- € 30 (up to 6 April 2018)
Entry fees (relay teams):
- € 35 (up to 15 March 2018)
- € 40 (up to 6 April 2018)
Bib pick-up:
- in the start area (on the day from 12.00)
You get:
- bib chip timing
- T-shirt
- refreshments on the course
- showers and changing facilities
Award ceremony and pasta party:
- at 18.30
Number of finishers 2017:
- Juniorlauf: 25
- 7.2km: 161 men, 64 women, 12 relay teams
Winners 2017:
- 7.2km men: Robert Stark (0:24:06)
- 7.2km women: Verena Rupp (0:30:07)
Event website:
No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page! Please visit the official event website to verify the above information.