Halle (Saale), Germany, Sunday 6 September 2015

Marktplatz, Halle (Saale), Germany - Copyright © 2014 Hendrik Böttger / runinternational.eu)


The Mitteldeutscher Marathon takes place annually in Halle, an old salt-producing city of about 230,000 inhabitants, situated on the River Saale in Germany's state of Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt).

The event offers the following races — 1.2km (fun run), 3.6km, 10km, half marathon, marathon, marathon relay (10x4km), and a 10km walk.

All routes begin and end on Halle's spacious main square (pictured) — except for the full marathon which is a point-to-point race.

Starting in Spergau (approximately 23km south of Halle), the 42.2km marathon features a varied route which shows the participants many interesting sights of the Mitteldeutsches Chemiedreieck ("Central German Chemical Triangle").

Participants run through rural areas and villages, past the Leuna- and the Buna-Werke (two of the most important chemical factories in the former German Democratic Republic), through the town of Merseburg, along the River Saale, past some flooded gravel pits, and through ‘HaNeu’ (Halle-Neustadt), a 1960s' socialist model city.

The time limit to complete the marathon is six hours.


Country: Germany

Venue (Map): Halle (Saale) --- Leipzig 40km, Dresden 145km, Berlin 169km, Hannover 230km

Date: 6 September 2015 (Sunday)

Race distance: 1.2km; 3.6km; 10km; 21.1km; 42.2km; 42.2km relay (10x4km)

Start (42km): at 9.00 in Spergau

Start (1.2km): at 10.00 on Marktplatz in Halle

Start (10km, 21km): at 10.30 on Marktplatz in Halle

Start (10km walking): at 10.38 on Marktplatz in Halle

Start (3.6km): at 10.40 on Marktplatz in Halle

Finish: Marktplatz, Halle (Saale)

Race centre (3.6km, 10km, 21km): Stadthaus, Marktplatz, Halle (Saturday 14.00-20.00; on the day 7.30-10.30)

Race centre (42km): Stadthaus, Marktplatz, Halle (Saturday 14.00-20.00); Jahrhunderthalle, Spergau (on the day 7.00-9-00)

Entries: online (up to 23 Aug 2015); late entries on the day (up to one hour before the start)

Entry fees (1.2km): no entry fees

Entry fees (3.6km): € 6/7/8/10 (up to 30 Apr/30 June/23 Aug/6 Sep 2015)

Entry fees (10km run): € 10/11/12/15 (up to 23 Apr/30 June/23 Aug/6 Sep 2015)

Entry fees (10km walk): € 8/12/15/20 (up to 30 Apr/30 June/23 Aug/6 Sep 2015)

Entry fees (21km): € 20/25/28/35 (up to 30 Apr/30 June/23 Aug/6 Sep 2015)

Entry fees (42km): € 25/35/39/42/45 (up to 28 Feb/30 Apr/30 June/23 Aug/6 Sep 2015)

Timekeeping: ChampionChip — use your own chip or rent a chip for € 5 (€ 25 deposit)

You get (3.6km, 10km, 21km, 42km): pasta party (on Saturday); baggage storage; finisher medal, certificate, finisher photo, massage service; 42km: shuttle bus service from the railway station in Merseburg to the start in Spergau; shuttle bus service from Halle to Spergau (after the race)

Showers and changing facilities: Friedrich-List-Schule, Halle

Prizes (1.2km, 3.6km, 10km): to the first 3 M/F

Prizes (21km): to the first 3 M/F; category prizes

Prizes (42km): to the first 6 M/F; category prizes

Number of finishers 2014: 125 (3.6km), 528 (10km run), 63 (10km walk), 1013 (21km), 163 (42km)

Event website: www.mitteldeutscher-marathon.de


No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page! Please visit the official event website to verify the above information.