Kolín (Czech Republic), Saturday 13 June 2015
The Mezinárodní Festival Běhu ("International Running Festival"), or, in short, MFB, attracts around 200 runners from the Czech Republic and beyond.
Entrants can choose between two races, 7km and 15km long. The event also offers a non-competitive family fun run, the ‘Dlouhá míle’.
All routes are very scenic, starting at 10am at the imposing Gothic church of St Bartholomew in the historic centre of Kolín, a town of 30,000 people, located approximately 60km to the east of Prague.
Participants run through Kolín's very pretty Old Town (pictured), and then along the River Elbe (Czech: Labe) and through woods and rural areas.
The finish line is at the amphitheatre on Kmochův ostrov, an island in the river, about 1km from the start area.
The MFB is scheduled to end at 12.30pm, so that there's plenty of time for everybody to visit the Kmochův Kolín, an annual international brass band festival that lasts for three days (12-14 June 2015). The parade through the town centre, one of the highlights of the festival, starts off at 2pm!
Don't miss the Kmochův Kolín parade after the race!
Event details: 5. MFB 2015:
Country: Czech Republic
Venue (Map): Kolín (60km from Prague, 163km from Brno, 187km from Dresden, 250km from Vienna)
Date: 13 June 2015 (Saturday)
Race distance: 7km; 15km
Start time: 10.00
Start: at the St Bartholomew church (Chrám sv. Bartoloměje) in the town centre
Finish: at the amphitheatre (amfiteátr) on Kmochův Island (Kmochův ostrov)
Entries: online; late entries on the day
Entry fees (including T-shirt): 150 CZK (up to 31 May 2014)
Entry fees (excluding T-shirt): 100/150/200 CZK (up to 31 May / after 31 May / on 13 June 2015)
Exchange rate: 100 CZK = ca. 3.65 EUR (February 2015)
Race centre: amfiteátr, Kmochův ostrov, Kolín (on the day 7.30-9.00)
You get: chip timing, refreshments on the course and at the finish, a meal and drink after the race; entry into the post-race prize drawing
Showers and changing facilities: zimní stadion (hockey arena), Brankovická ulice, Kolín
Baggage storage: in the finish area
Prizes: to the winners of the 15km race and to the first 3 in each category
Award ceremony: 12.00-12.30
Number of finishers 2014: 58 (7km), 97 (15km)
Event website: www.kolinska14.cz
No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page! Please visit the official event website to verify the above information.