22nd Sljeme Mountain Race 2012
Zagreb (Croatia), Sunday 27 May 2012 13 May 2012
Participants in the Brdska trka Sljeme run from Zagreb's city centre to the top of Mount Medvednica which rises to the north of Croatia's capital (pictured).
The route is 13.4km long. It features an elevation gain of about 900m.
Starting on Zagreb's spacious main square, Trg bana Jelačića (Ban Jelačić Square), the first 6km are run on roads and pavements. Then, the route climbs on forest trails to the finish on the summit of Sljeme (1035m), the highest peak of Mount Medvednica.
In 2011, the winners were Ivica Škopac (1:02:49) and Gabrijela Šalković (1:25:53).
Country: Croatia
Venue (Map): Zagreb (Ljubljana 150km, Graz 180km, Trieste 238km)
Date: 27 May 2012 new date: 13 May 2012 (Sunday)
Race distance: 13.4km (+912m)
Start: 11.00 on Trg bana Jelačića (Ban Jelačić Square)
Finish: at the radio transmission tower on top of Sljeme (1035m)
Entries: on the day at the start
Entry fees: 80 HRK (ca. 11 EUR); no entry fees for men over 70 and women over 60 years old
You get: T-shirt; transport of personal clothing to the finish; three aid stations on the course and one at the finish; a meal at the finish; transport after the race (from Sljeme to the tram stop Mihaljevac)
Prizes: trophies to the first 3 M/F; medals to the first 3 in each category
Showers and changing facilities: no
Number of finishers 2011: 47
Event website (in Croatian): www.vk-jarun.hr/brdska.trka.sljeme.php
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