8th "Lake Ossiach Night Half Marathon" 2012

Ossiach (Austria), Friday 20 July 2012

Ossiacher See (Copyright © 2010 runinternational.eu)


Held annually on a Friday summer night at Lake Ossiach in Austria's state of Kärnten (Carinthia), the Ossiacher See Nachthalbmarathon attracts around 600 to 700 runners, many of them holidaymakers and day trippers from neighbouring countries.

The route alternates in direction each year. In 2012, participants will run from Bodensdorf on the northern shore to Ossiach on the southern shore. Pre-race ferry transportation from Ossiach to the start in Bodensdorf is included in the entry fees.

In addition to the half marathon, the event offers a 7km race for runners and nordic walkers, as well as shorter children's runs.

The route is on mildly undulating roads and bikeways, mostly close to the shore.

Last year, the top half marathon finishers were Niklas Kröhn (1:15:22) and Ulrike Striednig (1:31:08).


Country: Austria

Venue (Map): Ossiacher See

Date: 20 July 2012 (Friday)

Race distance: 21.1km; 7km (run and nordic walking), children 200-2400m

Start (children): 16.00-16.40 Ossiach, Sportplatz

Start (21km): 19.00 Bodensdorf, Park am See

Start (7km): 19.00 Heiligengestade

Finish: Ossiach, Sportplatz

Entries: online or by fax

Entry fees (21km): € 17/20/25/30 (until 30 April/15 June/15 July/late entries)

Entry fees (7km): € 10/13/15/20 (until 30 April/15 June/15 July/late entries)

Timing: (?)

Race centre: (?)

You get: bus service (7km) or ferry service (21km) from Ossiach to the start; bus service Ossiach-Bodensdorf (at 22.30)

Prizes: (?)

Award ceremony: 17.30 (children), 22.00 (21km and 7km) in Ossiach

Number of finishers 2011: 322 (21km), 149 (7km run), 32 (7km nordic walking), 113 children

Event website (in German and Italian): www.nachthalbmarathon.at


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