Corsa Podistica Femminile - Merano Women's Run 2011

Meran-Merano (Italy), Saturday 4 June 2011

Kurhaus Meran/Merano, Italy (Copyright © 2011 Hendrik Böttger /


Ladies only are allowed to take part in the Frauenlauf in Meran (Italian: Merano), a beautiful spa town in Italy's alpine province of South Tyrol where most people speak German as a first language.

The route is approximately five kilometres long.

Participants run along the lovely promenades that follow the Passer (Passirio) river.

Girls under 16 years of age run shorter distances.

In 2010, Helga Rauch led a field of 319 women home in a time of 18 minutes 55 seconds.


Race information:


  • Italy

Venue (Map):

  • Meran-Merano (30km from Bozen-Bolzano, 150km from Innsbruck, 180km from Verona)


  • 4 June 2011 (Saturday)

Race distance:

  • 1km (6-13 years)
  • 2km (14-15 years)
  • ca. 5km (16 years and over)

Start time:

  • 17.30: 1km
  • 17.45: 2km
  • 18.30: 5km

Start and finish:

  • Sandplatz-Piazza della Rena, Meran-Merano


  • online
  • entries close 1 June 2011 or when the entry limit of 500 runners has been reached
  • runners living in Italy must provide a medical certificate at registration

Entry fees:

  • 5km: €20
  • 1km, 2km: €2

Race centre:

  • Sandplatz-Piazza della Rena (on the day from 14.00)

You get:

  • goody bag
  • chip timing
  • warm-up aerobics
  • souvenir gift

Prizes (5km):

  • to the first 3 overall and to the first 5 in each category
  • team prizes

Showers and changing facilities:

  • Jahn-Turnhalle (sports hall), Galileistrasse

Award ceremony:

  • at 20.30 on Sandplatz-Piazza della Rena

Number of finishers 2010:

  • 5km: 319

Event website (in German and Italian):

  • (out of date)


No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page.


Passer/Passirio river in Merano (Copyright © 2011 Hendrik Böttger /