23rd New Year's Eve Run across Bratislava's Bridges 2011

Bratislava (Slovakia), Saturday 31 December 2011

Nový most, Bratislava, Slovakia (Copyright © 2011 runinternational.eu)

Nový most ("New Bridge") is the fourth of five bridges on the course.


Runners in Slovakia's capital Bratislava celebrate New Year's Eve with a 10K point-to-point race along the River Danube. The route crosses five impressive bridges.

The start is at the University of Economics in the eastern part of Bratislava. The finish is at the Lafranconi Bridge in the western part of the city, close to the border with Austria.

Last year's Silvestrovský beh had around 600 participants. On a wintry day, the winners were Lukáš Barták (36:50) and Jela Furuczová (44:32).


Country: Slovakia

Venue (Map): Bratislava (Vienna 65km, Brno 131km, Budapest 200km, Prague 333km)

Date: 31 December 2011 (Saturday)

Race distance: 10km

Start: 10.00 at Ekonomická univerzita, Dolnozemská cesta 1, Petržalka, Bratislava

Finish: at the northern end of Lafranconi bridge (Most Lafranconi)

Entries: online (up to 29 Dec 2011) or in person on the day (8.30-9.30)

Entry fees: 6 euros

Race centre: at the start

You get: transport of personal clothing to the finish; tea; entry into the post-race prize-drawing

Prizes: to the first 3 men and women

Number of finishers 2010: 586

Event website (in Slovak): www.starz.sk


No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page.


Silvestrovský beh Bratislava - the first four bridges on the route (Copyright © 2011 runinternational.eu)